Send and Dispatch without parameters

Pete pete at
Fri Jan 27 17:08:36 EST 2012

send/dispatch with no parms works fine for me.  Where are you sending the
message from - same card as the target, same stack, different stack?
 Shouldn't make any difference but if there is a problem, gonna need to
know the details.


On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Bob Sneidar <bobs at> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I just noticed that if you send or dispatch to an object and you have
> specified parameters in the objects handler, but you don't provide the
> parameters when you send or dispatch, the call will silently fail. This
> seems only to occur for built in handlers, like mouseUp for example.
> If I have a button called "myButton" with a mouseUp handler:
> on mouseUp pButtonNum
>    put "This is a test"
> end mouseUp
> if I:
> send "mouseUp" to button "myButton"
> or:
> dispatch "mouseUp" to button "myButton"
> The button will never get the message, and no error is generated. This
> caught me quiet off guard, as you can for a custom handler just call it,
> and even if you don't provide all the parameters, the handler gets called
> anyway.
> However, if I have a custom handler:
> on testMe theMessage
>    put "This is a successful test."
> end testMe
> And then I send or dispatch without the parameter, the handler gets called
> fine! Is this normal or expected behavior? I cannot think that this kind of
> ambiguity is what the devs intended. If someone can give me a reason for
> why it has to be this way, I can just watch for it in the future. If not I
> suppose I should submit a bug report.
> In the meantime, I suppose the best practice is to never put the business
> end of your code in the built in handlers, but rather call a command or
> function that does all the work. That way you can send or dispatch to that
> handler and not to the built in one.
> Bob
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