Alternate Form of printKeys()
Bob Sneidar
bobs at
Thu Jan 26 18:12:31 EST 2012
Here are the functions. I have tested them and they seem to be fine, but any bug reports would be appreciated. Note that there is another distinct advantage of these functions over the original printKeys(): These functions allow for returns and tabs in the values. I convert them to ascii(30) and ascii(11) respectively when I return text and back again when I return an array.
Also bear in mind I do no error checking. Who knows what would happen if you pass something other than what is expected. Hang on to your socks! :-)
function altPrintKeys @pArray, theKeyList, pFullData
put numtochar(11) into vertTab
put numtochar(30) into altCr
put the keys of pArray into theKeys
sort theKeys numeric
repeat for each line theKey in theKeys
put "[" & theKey & "] " after theKeyList
if theKey is not a number then
replace theKey with quote & theKey & quote in theKeyList
end if
if pArray[theKey] is an array then
put pArray[theKey] into theTempArray
put altPrintKeys(theTempArray, theKeyList, pFullData) after theText
put empty into the last word of theKeyList
delete the last char of theKeyList
put cr into the last char of theText
put "pArray " & the last word of theKeyList into theKeyName
-- put "put " & theKeyName & " into theValue" into theCommand
-- do theCommand
put the value of theKeyName into theValue
replace tab with vertTab in theValue
replace return with altCr in theValue
put theKeyList & tab & theValue & comma after theText
put empty into the last word of theKeyList
delete the last char of theKeyList
end if
end repeat
return theText
end altPrintKeys
function altKeysToArray theText
put numtochar(11) into vertTab
put numtochar(30) into altCr
repeat for each line theRecord in theText
repeat for each item theKeyData in theRecord
put the itemdelimiter into theOldDelim
set the itemdelimiter to tab
put item 1 of theKeyData into theKeyList
put item 2 of theKeyData into theValue
replace vertTab with tab in theValue
replace altCr with return in theValue
set the itemdelimiter to theOldDelim
put "put " & quote & theValue & quote & " into theArrayA " & theKeylist into theCommand
do theCommand
end repeat
end repeat
return theArrayA
end altKeysToArray
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