On top but permeable?

Ken Corey ken at kencorey.com
Wed Jan 25 06:26:43 EST 2012

Hi All,

For debugging when running on my iPad, I like to drop a multi-line label 
named "log", and have the following:

on log txt
   if exists(field "log") then
     put txt&cr before log
   end if
end log

on errorDialog sE,sP
   log sE&"|"&sP
end errorDialog

This is great and all, at least it's easy to type and shows that there 
is an error.

However, if the log is on top of stuff on my card, it blocks events 
getting to lower items.  If the log is behind the stuff on the card, 
it's obscured.

I have tried grouping the bulk of the things on the card and setting the 
blend of the group to 40 (and putting the log item behind everything 
else), and that serves the purpose, but the card doesn't look as it 
would in real life.

I have also tried handling mouse events on the label like this:
on mouseDown nNum
   pass mouseDown nNum
end mouseDown

...but no joy.

Ideally, I'd like a way to be able to say that this label is on top, but 
it doesn't get any mouse events.



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