Navigating XML in LiveCode

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Tue Jan 24 09:17:45 EST 2012

Thanks for the replies:

Bob - I know about the 'host of commands' and I've done a lot of worked examples with them. It's the fact that LiveCode is happy with XML that was a factor in making me think of using it - that and the fact that, for my purposes, all the data could be saved in a trivially small text file to give persistence. The trouble was that I couldn't understand exactly how to do certain things, and I was unsure if I'd picked the right medium for my message, so to speak.

Ken - ever helpful! I'm sorry I grumbled about not getting replies. That's just stupid, given that everyone on this list is busy, and it's bad manners too. Anyway your reply (which I haven't quoted in full) shows me how to get round my specific issues, so I see that it can be done: what I have to do now is to decide between a perhaps more appropriate structure using arrays, with the disadvantage of having to put them in a stack and save it to get persistence, or to put up with the rather clunky XML functions (yours or LC's) in order to get a simpler storage solution.

What I plan to do now is to write my own little API to the data storage part of my app, so that the main script doesn't know or care how the data is stored - then I can experiment with both methods without messing with the logic of my program. It's the right way to go anyway, IMHO.

Thanks again


On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 10:08:44 -0800, Bob Sneidar <bobs at> wrote:

> Doesn't Livecode have a complete XML Library? I just searched for XML in the dictionary and came up with a host of commands. I bet studying these would shed some light on what needs to be done. Also, perhaps looking at a simple XML file would benefit you. Many Apple prefs files are XML I think. 
> Bob
On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 12:15:13 -0600, Ken Ray <kray at> wrote:
> On Jan 23, 2012, at 10:34 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:
>> Pete - thanks for your reply (the only one so far - are there no XML users on the list??).
> Sorry, Graham? was a bit busy before to respond. 

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