Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Mon Jan 23 13:59:04 EST 2012

On 01/22/2012 11:20 PM, Bob Earp wrote:
> Far be it for me to question your wisdom here Jacque, but are you sure this is true for Rev (not LC) ?
> I went from HC to SC to ToolBook and then Rev, and at the time of looking at Rev, I can remember one of the enticements for moving was the ability to import HC&  SC into Rev.  I knew a bunch of guys at Allegiant back then, and thought that the SC format was not that different from HC, and very similar to MetaCard.
> I also seem to remember somebody writing a translator from TB to Rev, which basically dumped a text file description of every object with their scripts, and then built a stack from that in Rev. The only problem was that Rev did things so much better in some areas, most of the time it was more beneficial to  rebuild the TB project into a new Rev stack, and only use the valuable stuff like media.
> Then again, maybe I'm just getting old and my memory is playing tricks ;-)
> best, Bob...
There is a Supercard stack that can do "something" with Supercard 3 
stacks so that it can be leveraged
for Livecode. The only problem is that this requires the end-user to own 
Supercard 3; and, as
Supercard is at about 4.5 not much cop at all.

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