Opening a Supercard file in Livecode?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sun Jan 22 16:41:14 EST 2012

Hi Bob,

There used to be a SuperCard-to-MetaCard converter.


Consultancy and Software Engineering

Download Color Converter at

Op 22-jan-2012, om 22:20 heeft Bob Earp het volgende geschreven:

> Far be it for me to question your wisdom here Jacque, but are you  
> sure this is true for Rev (not LC) ?
> I went from HC to SC to ToolBook and then Rev, and at the time of  
> looking at Rev, I can remember one of the enticements for moving  
> was the ability to import HC & SC into Rev.  I knew a bunch of guys  
> at Allegiant back then, and thought that the SC format was not that  
> different from HC, and very similar to MetaCard.
> I also seem to remember somebody writing a translator from TB to  
> Rev, which basically dumped a text file description of every object  
> with their scripts, and then built a stack from that in Rev. The  
> only problem was that Rev did things so much better in some areas,  
> most of the time it was more beneficial to  rebuild the TB project  
> into a new Rev stack, and only use the valuable stuff like media.
> Then again, maybe I'm just getting old and my memory is playing  
> tricks ;-)
> best, Bob...

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