Determine 180 degree turn using compass

Ken Ray kray at
Mon Jan 16 00:00:38 EST 2012

On Jan 15, 2012, at 10:59 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

>> And if the starting point is say 10 and I turn left 170 degrees and now I am at 200 and 10 - 200 is -190 but I have not really turned -190 but only 170 and again this may be incorrect based on when the sample interval was fired.
> Actually -190 *is* 170, if you approach it as "if the number is negative, then subtract abs(it) from 360":
>   if tDegrees < 0 then put (360 - tDegrees) into tDegrees

Whoops! I meant:

    if tDegrees < 0 then put (360 - abs(tDegrees)) into tDegrees

Sorry about that…

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
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