Menu Builder

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jan 13 16:40:18 EST 2012

On 1/13/12 12:19 AM, Pete wrote:
> Hi Jacque,
> Wanted to let you know that the issue of mouseDwon having to be at the
> group level is documented in the USer Guide so you remembered correctly!
> I also discovered today that 5.0.2 handles the moving of controls for
> system menu purposes differently than 4.6.4.  Just upgraded to 5.0.2 and
> the first time I opened my stack, it was slightly higher than with 4.6.4.
>   I tried it again in 4.6.4 and it opened slightly less high than it should
> have been!

It's good to know I'm not completely senile yet. There was an ancient 
bug in the engine for something like 12 years where the stack did not 
resize properly on Mac standalones. It finally got fixed recently. 
That's probably the difference you're seeing. In LiveCode earlier than 
5.x the stack would cut off the bottom instead of resizing, it would 
make you crazy and required strange workarounds. You should build with 
5.0+ where it's fixed.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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