standalone not quitting on Win7

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Jan 11 06:51:20 EST 2012


The wait command blocks all other handlers and hence has no effect. Maybe you mean wait 1 with messages, but I don't think it matters. You can ignore the wait command. Also, I wouldn't put the quit command in the closeStack handler but in the closeStackRequest handler because the closeStack handler can't prevent a stack from closing but the closeStackRequest handler can.

I wrote my script specifically because a simple quit command wouldn't do. Windows standalones tend to remain in memory if an external or database driver is still running or if a window wasn't closed and there are versions of Revolution (and maybe LiveCode but I wouldn't know because I always use my script) that crash if the quit command is executed while a backdrop is active.

Usually, I don't run my script inside a closeStack(Request) handler. I have a separate handler for it, which I call from the quit menu item on Windows and from the shutdownRequest handler on Mac OS X.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 11 jan 2012, at 09:22, Pierre Sahores wrote:

> Did you try ?
> on closeStack
> wait 1
>  quit
> end closeStack
> Best,
> Le 11 janv. 2012 à 03:04, Nicolas Cueto a écrit :
>> on closeStack
>>  quit
>> end closeStack
>> Any ideas?   Thanks.
>> --
>> Nicolas Cueto

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