Carriage Return in datagrid data

Michael Doub mike at
Wed Jan 4 17:05:05 EST 2012

Let say we have a variable Contacts where each line has 4 tab delimited fields: RecID, Name, Age, BirthDay
The following builds the dgData array.  The first index controls the order of what is displayed in the datagrid.  
If you look closely you will see that it[Counter] = pDataArray that you deal with in the Row Behaviour script.

Hope this helps,

Global Contacts
on openCard
   local x;
   local Counter; put 1 into counter
   put empty into it
   set itemdel to tab
   repeat for each line x in Contacts
      put item 1 of x into it[Counter]["RecID"]
      put item 2 of x into it[Counter]["Name"]
      put item 3 of x into it[Counter]["Age"]
      put item 4 of x into it[Counter]["Birthday"]
      add 1 to counter
   end repeat
   set the dgData of group "SetGroup" to it

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