AW: Standalone blocked by "software restriction policy"

tbodine lvhdgc7 at
Sat Feb 25 15:49:47 EST 2012

I have code-signed Windows installers and executables as well, though not yet
in a LC project. (Soon, I'll have to do it on the Mac, too. I believe
code-signing is required to get an app in the app Store. Apple's next MacOS
update is going to make more use of code-signing.)

Code-signing may seem a PITA, but if you've ever had your personal identity
stolen, then you'll warm up to this solution which lets you stamp your
identity on your digital work so that others cannot alter it for their own
purposes and pass it off as you. Imagine if your app were injected with
malware, zipped up and then uploaded to countless sites. Yikes! Code-signing
is a way for professionals to protect their reputations and their clients.

Here's one source for code-signing certificates and tools: 

All this said, I have not personally code-signed a LC project yet, so I
cannot say for sure that it works. (In the Director world, there is much
anger at Adobe over the fact it has not enabled code-signing of Director

-- Tom Bodine

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