Standalone blocked by "software restriction policy"

Mark Powell mark_powell at
Tue Feb 21 20:47:54 EST 2012

Quadruply incestuous yikes...this post seems to attract the Marks all right.

In addition to what the other Marks have said, I have recently encountered similar blocking here.  However, it was not a Windows-triggered problem, but rather a quarantine that Symantec Endpoint Protection and Norton products asserted.  I have solved the problem within the company through corporate white-listing, but for usage outside of the company I believe that code-signing is the only reliable solution.  I am leaving the company for a new position, but that is the advisory I am leaving behind.

Mind you, this may not be at all what is stymying use by your customers, but it is what hit us here.


-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode-bounces at [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark Wieder
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: Standalone blocked by "software restriction policy"

Mark (yikes - this is getting a bit incestuous)-

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