iPhone audio calls

Richard MacLemale richard at richardmac.com
Tue Feb 21 06:49:46 EST 2012

In our latest app (which is for iOS) we use a lot of iphone audio calls to set volume channels and play sounds, like:

iPhoneSetSoundChannelVolume "Ch_1","80"

and so on.  The annoying thing is that since the Mac doesn't understand those commands, you get nonstop errors in the development environment unless you do something like:

if the environment is "mobile" then
   iPhoneSetSoundChannelVolume "Ch_1","80"
end if

This gets tedious when you have dozens of audio calls throughout an app.  Does anyone have a more clever way to do this?  Now that our latest app is practically done, I don't feel like rewriting all of those calls, but next time I'm thinking maybe I write a handler for it like:

on callAudio daSound daChannel
   if the environment is "mobile" then
      iPhonePlaySoundOnChannel daSound, daChannel, "now"
      -- do nothing
   end if
end callAudio

Is that the best method, or would there be a better way?  It's a small thing but it would be nice if LiveCode just ignored these calls or something...

Richard MacLemale
Music = http://www.richardmac.com
Programming = http://www.macandchee.se

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