binaryDecode with variable number of parameters

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Feb 20 04:58:06 EST 2012

Hi Len,

My code was just an example. Words can only refer to "real" words indeed, but I believe you have already figured out how to reference the parameters. Just replace that part of my code with whatever you deem right. Perhaps something like "repeat with x = 1 to number of chars step 2".

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 20 feb 2012, at 03:37, Len Morgan wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> It looks like that's what I'm going to have to do.  In looking at your code though, the "word x" part (where the binary data is) won't that only work on "real" words that have spaces between them?  This is actually a chunk of binary data where I'm using "word" in the sense of 2 8 bit bytes together.  Wouldn't I need to whack off the first two characters of myData each time through the loop or does binaryDecode keep track of where it last stopped converting?
> len

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