binaryDecode with variable number of parameters

Len Morgan len-morgan at
Sun Feb 19 21:37:58 EST 2012

Hi Mark,

It looks like that's what I'm going to have to do.  In looking at your 
code though, the "word x" part (where the binary data is) won't that 
only work on "real" words that have spaces between them?  This is 
actually a chunk of binary data where I'm using "word" in the sense of 2 
8 bit bytes together.  Wouldn't I need to whack off the first two 
characters of myData each time through the loop or does binaryDecode 
keep track of where it last stopped converting?


On 2/19/2012 8:05 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Hi Len,
> You could use a repeat loop, similar to
> repeat with x = 1 to myNrOfWords
>    get binaryDecode("h*",word x of myData,myTempVar)
>    put myTempVar into myArray[x]
> end repeat
> --
> Kind regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk
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> Op 20 feb. 2012 om 01:08 heeft Len Morgan<len-morgan at>  het volgende geschreven:
>> Related to my problem with reading binary data from a socket, how do I handle a variable number of numbers that will come in with binaryDecode?
>> To explain, I get a number in the packet header that tells me there are x number of bytes to follow in this packet.  I know the first byte is a remote ID and the second is a function code.  Based on the function code, the number of two byte integers that follows is going to be (the number of bytes in the message / 2) - 1 (for the function code and remote ID).  One time there might be 2 integers to follow, another there might be 10.  There is a "number of words" number that is part of the command so I know how many words there will be but the binaryDecode function requires that I specify a name for each variable that is going to get a value.
>> Ideally, I'd like to put all of these words in an array so I can process them, but this doesn't seem to be an option for the binaryDecode command.  Should I build up a string that has "...,var[0],var[1],...,var[x] in it to account for all the variables and then use a "do" or "dispatch" to actually do the binaryDecode?
>> Also, if I use var[0], var[1], etc., do I need to create ALL of the indexes first (for binaryDecode) or will just creating the first one (var[0]) be sufficient?
>> Thanks,
>> len morgan
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