command line output

jvalle at jvalle at
Sat Feb 18 17:27:05 EST 2012


am testing command line features, following some samples got from list, but
can't get output to the console in Windows. Am installing right now in a Mac to
check if there is any difference.

Tried in this way:

on startup
   hide this stack
   local tCommandLine  
   put "using put hello2 plus return" & return into stdout
   put "using put hello2 plus cr" & CR into stdout
   write "using write hello2 plus return" & return to stdout
   write "using write hello2 plus cr" & CR to stdout   
   -- handle command line arguments here
   put word 1 to -1 of lower($1) into tCommandLine
   switch char 2 of tCommandLine
      case "t"
         put "with -t param" & return after URL "file:debug.txt"
         put "any other case " & tCommandLine & return after URL "file:debug.txt"
   end switch
end startup

If keep "write" lines the script doesn't works, doesn't write anything to file
and no output also.

If comment or remove write lines, both switch cases work, but still not sending
any output to the console.

What's wrong?

Jose Valle
(+34) 671087375

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