Another naive iOS question - filling the iPad screen

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Thu Feb 16 13:23:03 EST 2012

Randy thanks for the kind offer, but when I tried to create a stripped-down version of my stack as a demonstration, I couldn't make it go wrong! I created a stack the same size as the iPad screen (1024 x 768) and put a graphic rectangle of the same size into it, and it just stayed there with no change in the stack size. This is certainly different from what I saw earlier. If I include the iOS status bar in the build, then the bottom 24 pixels of my screen get cut off, but I suppose that's what is supposed to happen. So my problem seems to have been just some weirdness. If I get a repeatable recipe, I'll report it.

Thanks again.


on Thu, 16 Feb 2012 08:09:14 -0600, Randy Hengst <iowahengst at> wrote:
> Hello Graham,
> I use a background image or graphic in all of my apps and follow the steps you describe. I hide the status bar. I've not seen the problem you've identified. The graphic or image always covers the iPad screen.
> I have some time today and tomorrow, so I'll be happy to look at your stack if you send it off line.
> be well,
> randy hengst

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