
Bill Vlahos bvlahos at
Wed Feb 15 00:13:19 EST 2012


On Feb 14, 2012, at 8:15 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

> Anyone using Lion:
> Are your stand-alones created with LC using Snow Leopard or earlier running OK on Lion?
Yes they run fine. They are not Lion native so you don't get things like resize from any side or corner and other Lion native specific features but you do get the native scroll bars even though they don't disappear (which I don't like).
> I have yet to move up to Lion. Also, is LC 4.5.2 running OK on Lion?
Yes it works fine too.
> What about other apps such as AppleWorks?
Nope. AppleWorks is a PPC app and Lion only supports Intel applications (either Intel native or Universal)
> And is Lion much different than Snow Leopard?
I'm pretty happy with it but it isn't dramatically different. You ask a fairly subjective question.
> I'm sure that must be discussed on the Apple website, but while I'm at it????
This is discussed countless places on the Internet.

Bill Vlahos

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