Spell check for text fields

Scott McDonald runrevplanet at smpcs.server101.com
Sat Feb 11 16:34:41 EST 2012


>don't all target platforms have native spell-checkers?

One software segment that I produce for is cross-platform desktop -- needs
to run on PCs (with Windows XP and newer) and on Macs. There is no native OS
level spellchecker for Windows XP.

Instead of having platform specific code to handle the differences, I prefer
to leverage the natural cross-platform support of LiveCode. It makes
development *much* more productive -- reducing the time and effort required
by a significant amount. Not to mention the on-going benefit of simplified
product support.

So RunRevPlanet Spell is the result that requirement. it is not a spell
check as you type style of spell checker, so it may not be what you are
looking for. But it is fast.

About a "spellcheck as you type" sort of add-on, until the LiveCode Text
Field can show the wavy underline that users expect to see when such an
action occurs, I think the problems of making such a spell checker that runs
on both Windows /and/ OS X make such an add-on unlikely.

Scott McDonald
"Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode"

Scott McDonald
"Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode"
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