RSS Tutorial with XML commands?

John Patten johnpatten at
Fri Feb 10 14:11:27 EST 2012

Hi all..

I happend to see the notice about the LiveCode RSS tutorial, and being in education, could see how learning how to create my own RSS interfaces and being able to show others how to do this would be pretty useful. 

However, though I could make out most of what was happening in the script, although it took a few minutes to get my head around the idea of looping through the array, it is still a bit fuzzy.

I attempted to take the LiveCode Tutorial RSS feed ...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
    <title>LiveCode Lessons - Recent Lessons</title>
    <description>Recently created lessons from LiveCode Lessons</description>
      <title>Intermediate: RSS Feeds</title>
      <description><p><i>In today's world time is a highly valued commodity. With busy lifestyles and demanding jobs people rarely have time to sit down daily to read their favourite newspaper or website. This has led to a culture in which people demand information immediately and this, in turn, has helped lead to the popularity of RSS feeds.</i></p></description>
      <pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2012 07:25:13 -0500</pubDate>
      <title>How do I Use my Academy Credits?</title>
      <description><p>If you have been a student in our LiveCode Academy, you'll know by now that you can collect credits (also known as tokens or coupons) to earn a free platform at the end of the course. Here's exactly how to apply your credits and get your free platform/s.</p></description>
      <pubDate>Thu, 26 Jan 2012 07:51:17 -0500</pubDate>
    </item> ...

...and duplicate the tutorial, however I don't have the concept of the " parent of these item tags... RDF..."  in the tutorial example. If I wanted to duplicate the RSS tutorial using the LiveCode Tutorial's RSS feed, what would be each item's direct parent in the tutorial's XML file? I'm guessing the direct parent of the items in the XML is like the itemDel of the XML file?

Thank you!

John Patten

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