Drag and Drop in a locked field

Ken Ray kray at sonsothunder.com
Thu Feb 9 19:50:26 EST 2012

On Feb 9, 2012, at 6:35 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

> Hi all. I use locked fields with multiple lines and listBehavior set to true as a kind of menu. Now I am trying to allow the user to rearrange the items in the list. I read in the Dictionary that LC handles drag and drop between *unlocked* fields automatically. Crud. So I tried unlocking the field on mouseDown and then sending mouseDown again in 0 seconds, but that was a bust. I tried just unlocking the field on mouseDown and locking it on mouseUp but that was problematic too. 
> Any easy way to implement this? I could use a datagrid I suppose (grumble grumble) but it would be nice if I could just do this with a simple list field. I want to reorder entire lines by dragging and dropping them. 

I'm using a variation of Scott Rossi's "Get In Line" implementation… you can download the stack directly with this URL:


Scott's got a lot of great tutorials and demos at his site, so you should check out:


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/	

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