input and output to a cli

Andrew Kluthe andrew at
Thu Feb 9 17:17:20 EST 2012


I have a program with a command line interface that was written in nodejs
to act as a bot for an irc server. It takes commands and prints responses
and chatter in irc out to a command line.

I launch it by calling this from a command line.

node borg.js

and I get a prompt similar to OHAI> and it waits for commands.

I input commands and read the responses right from the command console. I
want to be able to send commands to this interface from a livecode program
on windows and I want the output to be displayed in a scrolling list field.
How does one go about communicating with this kind of command line
interface with livecode?

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Kind Regards,

Andrew K

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