Any in-house corporate developers?

Ruslan Zasukhin ruslan_zasukhin at
Thu Feb 9 02:17:28 EST 2012

On 2/9/12 2:40 AM, "Bob Sneidar" <bobs at> wrote:

Hi Michael,
Hi Bob,

> Once your data is in an SQL database, it seems to me you could call any
> reporting application at least through Applescript or a terminal shell, if
> they support it. One of the devs on this list has a reporting plugin called
> Quartam Reports (from the same company that makes Valentina I believe). LC
> also supports creating PDF's as well.

No, Paradigma offers own Valentina Report engine.

And since here talk about reports, I wana give some news:

* Very soon we ship Valentina 5.0 products

* Valentina Studio Pro - contains visual Report Editor.
   It works on all 3 platforms mac win linux.

* in 5.0 we adding Postgre SQL as datasource for Valentina Reports,
    and even plugin postgresql into Valentina Studio.

This means that in 5.0, Valentina Reports can use as
    * Valentina local db
    * Valentina Server
    * Postgre SQL Server
    * SQLite local db
    * ODBC datasource

2-3 months later we will add mySQL as native datasource into reports.
And plugin into Vstudio also.

* in contrast to some Report Tools e.g. For LiveCode or REALbasic, which are
made on RB itself or on Livecode itself, and this means work only with this
IDEs,  Valentina Reports are made in C++, for all 3 platforms, for all
programming  languages that Valentina supports. And these are major
languages: C C++ C#  PHP Livecode RB COM VB, soon Java ...

This means that you can later switch from one IDE to another and not loose
your work, or you can combine different IDEs and languages in your

Also this means much better speed of report engine.

** Working with Valentina Reports no need tease self with SHELL.
Because reports prepared in the Valentina Studio Pro and saved in the *.vsp
file  can be accessed by few methods directly from Valentina ADK for

** Another task we keep eye on is that Report prepared e.g. On PostgreSQL
datasource, should work the same on any other datasource ...

*** THERE IS ONE MORE great news about Valentina Studio ***
      but later :-)

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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