iOS: strange flash when setting acceleratedRendering to false

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at
Tue Feb 7 17:42:44 EST 2012

Okay, I know this came up on the list a couple weeks ago or so, but this is a strange problem. All of a sudden, I'm experiencing this issue where I wasn't before.

I have a card that contains a field object with words set up as links. When a link is clicked, a "pop-up" group is displayed that includes a blended button that covers the background in order to disallow interacting with anything else until the "pop-up" is dismissed. When this pop-up is displayed, I'm setting acceleratedRendering to false. If I don't then the blended button does not display properly (maybe this is a bug that needs to be fixed?). However, setting acceleratedRendering to false is causing this strange flash on the screen. And it doesn't matter if I do it while the screen is locked or not. Setting acceleratedRendering back to true does not cause the flash. The issue occurs both in the simulator and on the device.

Any ideas why this would happen? Like I said, it didn't use to happen. I don't know if I've made some change somewhere that is causing this or not. I am not playing with compositorType or any of the other compositor* properties. Is it possible that some standalone build setting would cause this? I am noticing that certain settings are not "sticking". All the radio buttons for the different features reset to "n/a" when I close the standalone application settings window, which is probably a separate issue. But is there an easy way to clear all the standalone settings and set them up again just to be sure?

Anyway, I'm at a loss here. Anyone else experiencing this who has fixed it?


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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