DNS-SD with mergeBonjour and rresocket?

JOHN PATTEN johnpatten at me.com
Thu Dec 20 19:31:12 EST 2012

Hi All…

Managed a little victory this afternoon with figuring out how to use a shell script in LC to register a Bonjour service. At least how to start the service. Not sure how to close it once it's started though.  This is what I discovered…

on mouseUp
   answer shell("dns-sd -R 'LiveCode-Bonjour' _http._tcp . 80 ")
end mouseUp

I'm using a little app that browses the network for Bonjour services, and I see my new "LiveCode-Bonjour" service listed under the http group.  However, because I used "answer" in front of the shell script, my stack locks up apparently waiting to answer. I can "command-period" out but I'm guessing I should have used a get or a put and I would not have locked up my stack? I can't test his out because once I've registered a Bonjour services with my stack, I can't figure out how to cancel the service and eliminate LiveCode-Bonjour from the list of available Bonjour services? Is there another shell script I can use to cancel the Bonjour service I just registered?

So after I learn how to stop Bonjour service, which protocol should I use to restart the service if I'm planning on using rresocket? Is it just _workstation_udp. and the port of my choice? I'm assuming I wouldn't be using http and 80 if I'm planning to use rresocket for the iOS to send text/data to the desktop app? However if all I need is the IP why would it matter? Or is the Bonjour type that i register animportant (workstation_udp & port) component for getting rresocket to work?

Thanks in advance!

John Patten

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