[Ann] Letteris 1.0

John Dixon dixonja at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Dec 19 16:20:11 EST 2012


There are now four apps in the iTunes store... 

moneyXchange I never expected would sell as every bank and its dog make currency exchange apps and it doesn't sell well at all, if it moves 20 units a month it is a lot...

scribble is the app that I thought would work out better than the rest, but like moneyXchange its sales have been fairly dismal moving the same amount a month as moneyXchange...

I have been lucky with 'TickerTape', as it was seen being used at the Olympics in London and all of a sudden sales took off.. to date it has moved quite a few thousand units... It has had some good reviews and some bad ones. I have updated it now twice, the first update to add more colours to the message being scrolled and the second that made orientating the phone to display the message a little more robust as it will scroll whilst horizontal as well as being face up or face down... only stopping when the orientation of the device returns to portrait.

Every time you update it seems that your rating is lost... the highest rating it achieved was four, a couple of bad reviews brought it down eventually to 2.1/2... You are still able to see the reviews if you click on the 'all versions' button'...

As far as I can make out upping the ratings and sales of your apps seems to me to be in the 'realms of the dark arts'... so, eventually to answer your question... I don't have a clue !...:-)


> Subject: Re: [Ann] Letteris 1.0
> From: irog at mac.com
> Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 12:15:09 -0800
> To: use-livecode at lists.runrev.com
> Congratulations, John. I notice none of your apps have ratings. Do you have a strategy for addressing this and what you would recommend?
> Cheers,
> Roger
> On Dec 18, 2012, at 10:12 PM, John Dixon <dixonja at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> > 
> > Another 'mobile' app for the iTunes store built using liveCode... that for me is four in total for the year... I guess the plan should be to get them all running on Android devices in the New Year... :-)
> > 
> > You remember 'Tetris'… all those falling tiles, well, letteris has falling tiles with letters in them !  There are 172,000+ words in the dictionary that includes both the American and British way of spelling certain words...
> > 
> > https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/letteris/id582996022?ls=1&mt=8
> > 
> > be well
> > 
> > Dixie
> > 		 	   		  
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