Unicode and the higher planes of existence.

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Wed Dec 12 17:24:35 EST 2012

Hi Richmond,

Athough LiveCode doesn't support higher level code table values, LiveCode does support higher level unicode values. You just need to remember to switch the byte values when reading them from Apple's character palette. Also, I think you mean "ASCII" 65942 instead of 65940.

on mouseUp
     put "00d896dd" into myHex
     repeat with x = 1 to len(myHex)-1 step 2
          put "0x" & char x to x+1 of myHex into myHexChar
          put numToChar(myHexChar) after myBin
     end repeat
     set  the unicodeText of the last field to myBin
end mouseUp

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 12 dec 2012, at 22:40, Richmond wrote:
>> On 12/12/12 2:53 PM, Richmond wrote:
>>> on mouseUp
>>>   set the useUnicode to true
>>>   set the unicodeText of fld "f1" to numToChar(65940)
>>> end mouseUp
>>> and when I click on the button I get nothing like anything that should
>>> appear (a capital X with a bar through its middle),
>>> but something that resembles a badly deformed Hebrew 'Ain'.

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