Why Does "remove" Actually "delete"?

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Tue Dec 11 03:19:55 EST 2012

Thanks for the responses on this.  Apparently when using the term "group",
the source card of the group is required (placing fails if you don't
reference the source card).  If you use the term "background" you
(apparently) don't need to specify the source card.

And removing works fine in a simple test stack, so I'm at loss why the
group is being deleted in my production stack.  But I used a workaround of
copying a group from one card to another so things are OK.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

On 12/10/12 4:38 PM, "Paul Hibbert" <lc at pbh.on-rev.com> wrote:

>On 2012-12-10, at 12:46 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
>> I've been trying to figure out how to "place" a group by script.  It
>>took me
>> a while to figure out that "place groupŠ" doesn't work, but instead
>> backgroundŠ".
>> Now when I execute "remove bkgnd xyz from this cd" the group ends up
>> deleted from the stack, even though the group resides on a completely
>> different card.
>> What am I missing here?  Thanks for any clarification.
>> Regards,
>> Scott Rossi
>> Creative Director
>> Tactile Media, UX Design
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>Just tried this with 1 stack...
>on Card 1
>group id 1009 (Group name = GrpTest2 ) <= 2 fields
>on Card 2
>place button
>on mouseUp
>   place group id 1009 of cd 1 onto this card
>   -- place group "GrpTest2" of cd 1 onto this card ## Also woks OK
>   -- place background "GrpTest2" onto this card ## Also woks OK
>end mouseUp
>remove button
>on mouseUp
>   remove group id 1009 from this card ## Works OK - removes from the
>card, doesn't delete from stack
>   -- remove group "GrpTest2" from this card ## Also works OK
>   -- remove background "GrpTest2" from this card ## Also works OK
>end mouseUp
>I can place and remove the group with no problem, tried with the
>backgroundBehavior property set to true and false with no difference.
>This all fails if the target group is nested within another group.
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