Algorithm time...

Dick Kriesel dick.kriesel at
Sun Dec 9 19:07:16 EST 2012

Hi, Glen.  I've reread your replies.  Here's a new version that returns the original values, as needed.

Please test and report again.

-- Dick

function digest @pLines
   local tGroupSize, tLineNumber, tArray, tKeys, tMin, tMax, tResult
   put number of lines in pLines div 1000 into tGroupSize
   set the itemDelimiter to tab
   repeat for each line tLine in pLines
      add 1 to tLineNumber
      if tArray[ item 2 of tLine ] is empty then
         put item 1 of tLine into tArray[ item 2 of tLine ]
      end if
      if tLineNumber is tGroupSize then
         put the keys of tArray into tKeys
         replace cr with comma in tKeys
         put min( tKeys ) into tMin
         put max( tKeys ) into tMax
         if tArray[ tMin ] < tArray[ tMax ] then
            put tArray[ tMin ] & tab & tMin & cr after tResult
            put tArray[ tMax ] & tab & tMax & cr after tResult
            put tArray[ tMax ] & tab & tMax & cr after tResult
            put tArray[ tMin ] & tab & tMin & cr after tResult
         end if
         put 0 into tLineNumber
         put empty into tArray
      end if
   end repeat
   return tResult
end digest

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