pirate version of my book...

Alex Tweedly alex at tweedly.net
Fri Aug 31 19:48:49 EDT 2012

On 31/08/2012 23:03, Colin Holgate wrote:
> Thanks for that! I actually don't mind about the pirate version, I didn't write the book thinking I would make much money from doing that. It was more to help me learn things for myself, and the experience of writing a book.
Talking about money ....

in the UK , the iBooks version (which I bought yesterday) costs £16.99
                  the Kindle version (which I *should* have bought) 
costs £12.95

I guess it was a mistake to choose this book to try out iBooks with :-(

But even so, I really like the book - thank you for writing it; I'll 
probably use the hard copy most.
-- Alex.

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