Using Stacks With LiveCode Server

Gregory Lypny gregory.lypny at
Wed Aug 29 11:19:50 EDT 2012

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the error handling suggestion.  I have not tried your test stack yet but I finally got mine working.  But it only works when I place the stack in the Library/Webserver/Documents, that is, in the same folder as the web file that calls it.  Yet, I left the path in that web file pointing to the desktop

	start using stack "/Users/gregory/Desktop/ParetoServer (Legacy 2.7).livecode"

but removed the stack from the desktop!  I don't get it.  It would be nice to be able to place stacks outside of


but I guess I can live with it as is.  By the way, where did you learn that only legacy stacks can be loaded by LiveCode server?



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