Newbie SQLite and LC learing problems

Peter Haworth pete at
Fri Aug 24 14:04:00 EDT 2012

Hi Blair,
Seems like you have two separate needs - figure out SQLite, then figure out
how to use Livecode to access your SQLite database.

Warren's link will show you hot to use Livecode with SQLite and as Bob
mentioned, there are some LC add-ons that will help with that too.

There are a number of online tutorials for SQLite, I'll detail a couple
here but a Google search will likely bring up others. - more of a reference than a
tutorial good
tutorial, starts from the basics.

Most of these tutorials are based around using the SQLIte command line
tool, sqlite3 so you don't have to get into the Livecode side of things at

And finally, in a shameless piece of self promotion, I would recommend
getting my SQLiteAdmin program.  It is written completely in Livecode and
will give you a GUI interface to creating your SQLite schema and
maintaining the data in it.  You will find that SQLite itself provides only
basic schema creation commands but SQLite will allow you to do much more,
such as changing any of the properties of an existing table or row.

SQLiteAdmin is available for $24.99 at

I wish you were starting on your project a couple of months from now.  By
then I will be in beta for liquidSQL, an interface between Livecode and SQL
that will largely eliminate the need to write Livecode database access
scripts or issue SQL statements.

lcSQL Software <>

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Blair Lewis <ht354 at> wrote:

> I'm new to LC and am I am looking for help with using DB's with LC. I am
> coming from Filemaker and I am unable to find a decent tutorial on how to
> use SQLite that is either complete or useful.
> Does anyone have a sample stack and DB that I can pull apart to learn. I'm
> particularly having difficulty with creating relationships for creating and
> retrieving data combining multiple tables. Something about lastrow ID keeps
> coming up but I'm a little lost
> Blair
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