which Externals show up in the externalPackages?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Wed Aug 15 09:28:02 EDT 2012


Try: put the externalPackages of stack "Home"

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 15 aug 2012, at 15:21, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

> Hi,
> Working with LC 4.6.4 on W7 and XP I am using three non rev externals. I put
> them into the My LiveCode folder on C:\Users\myUser\Documents\My
> LiveCode\Externals, and edited the externals.txt within the folder and
> restarted LC. When testing my program in the IDE all three Externals seem to
> work, BUT when asking for the externalPackages of stack "myMainStack" it is
> empty.
> After copying all three externals into the Runrev program\externals folder
> at C:\Program Files\RunRev\LiveCode 4.6.4\Externals one of the three
> externals shows up in the externalPackages.
> And creating a runtime, selecting all three of them in the standalone
> application settings, copying all three of them into the externals folder of
> my runtime environment, again only one of them shows up in the
> externalPackages.
> Why doesn't any of them shows up, when using only the My LiveCode\Externals
> folder and why does only one of them shows up on the other way?
> Thanks for any explanation
> Tiemo

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