Berkeley Cybersalon Welcomes Hypercard Team

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Mon Aug 13 11:27:42 EDT 2012


Monday, August 13, 2012, 4:24:10 AM, you wrote:

> Did you go? how was it?

The video of the evening (that's me in the first row wearing a runrev
hat) will be posted soon to I'll try to remember to post the
url when it goes up. On a personal level it was interesting to me for
a couple of reasons. First reconnecting with former coworkers from the
last couple of decades, all drawn together last night by the magic of
HyperCard. Secondly because even being on the inside at the time there
were still surprises, like the machinations of how Bill got Apple to
release HyperCard for free. Good pizza and beer.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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