[ANN] lcStackBrowser Beta testers needed

Peter Haworth pete at lcsql.com
Sun Aug 5 19:28:49 EDT 2012

I'm looking for a few beta testers for my latest plugin, lcStackBrowser.

lcStackBrowser is an alternative to the IDE's Application Browser.  Some of
the major features are:

   - Tree view of stacks, substacks, cards, groups, and controls, all of
   which can be expanded or collapsed.
   - Icons to identify different control subtypes  (scrolling field, list
   field, table, option menu, combo box ,etc)
   - Single click access to inspector and script editor for all objects
   - Single click enabling/disabling of objects
   - Popup menu access to all true/false properties for any object type
   - Popup menu access to common actions such as new substack, new card,
   change mainstack, copy/move substack to a different mainstack, copy/move
   card to a different stack, etc.
   - Drag and drop controls to either re-layer them and add/remove them
   from groups
   - Directly edit nested groups without going through their higher level
   - Options to sort stacks, cards, and controls in several ways
   - Optional front script to keep lcStackBrowser updated when objects are
   created, deleted, renamed, etc outside its control.
   - Switch between browse and edit mode

I've tested this extensively on OS X Lion and Livecode 5.5.0 so hoping to
find a few volunteers for other versions of OS X, Windows, and Linux.

Please contact me off list. if you have time to exercise this plugin for me
over the next couple of weeks.


lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>

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