Simple script doesn't work

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat Aug 4 20:03:09 EDT 2012

Hi Tim,

That's right, it won't work. Try this:

on openStack
  send "initialize" to me in 0 secs
end openStack

on initialize
  choose browse tool
  close  window revTools
  close window revStartCenter
end initialize

I think that the Start Center has an option to not show up om startup.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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The Economy-x-Talk office is closed from 30 August until 4 September 2012.

On 5 aug 2012, at 01:54, Timothy Miller wrote:

> In certain frequently-used stacks, I get tired of closing the revTools window, choosing the browse tool, and so on.
> Y this script no work?
> on OpenCard
>   choose browse tool
>   close  window revTools
>   close window revStartCentre
> end OpenCard
> I've tried on openCard, on preOpenCard, on openStack, preOpenStack. I get bupkis. And close window revStartCentre throws an error, even though it works in the message box.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Tim

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