iCloud external :-)

Maarten Koopmans maarten.koopmans at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 08:52:03 EDT 2012

Hi Willem,

Screenshots with iCLoud are next-to-near impossible, but here's some
code from handlers in my demo/test stack.

First, getting some basic information:

on mouseUp
   answer "Trying to fetch basic app/team info, and so some setup"
   put setupUbiquityDocumentsFolder() into tSetup
   answer "Setting up ubiquity document url succeeded: " & tSetup
   put getApplicationIdentifier() into tAppID
   answer "App ID: " & tAppID
   put getAppName() into tAppName
   answer "App Name: " & tAppName
   put getTeamPrefix() into tTeamPrefix
   answer "Team prefix: " & tTeamPrefix
   answer "Containerized name: " & containerize("my.com.SharedStorage")
end mouseUp

Next, publishing a file publicly via iCloud:

on mouseUp
   answer "In as public file handler"
   set the defaultFolder to specialFolderPath("documents")
   answer "default folder set"
   put "HelloCloudPublic.txt" into tLocalFilePath
   open file tLocalFilePath for write
   write "Hello iCloud!" to file tLocalFilePath
   close file tLocalFilePath
   answer tLocalFilePath
   --Note that here we effectively use the FULL path... Different from
   put asPublicCloudFile(tLocalFilePath) into tSharedURL
   answer "Your public iCloud URL for the next two weeks is: " & tSharedURL
   revMail "you at who.net","","miCloud link",tSharedURL
end mouseUp

And "the killer" - publishing a file in a shared storage container
(shared with other apps):

on mouseUp
   answer "In make ubiquitous (1) handler"
   set the defaultFolder to specialFolderPath("documents")
   get setupUbiquityDocumentsFolder()
   answer "default folder set, setup succeeded = " & it
   put "HelloCloudUbiqOrLocal.txt" into tLocalFilePath
   answer "Local file url: " & getLocalFileURL(tLocalFilePath)
   open file tLocalFilePath for write
   write "Hello iCloud!" to file tLocalFilePath
   close file tLocalFilePath
   --This is needed because our routines magically create the correct file path.
   --Whereas LC on opening the file puts the full path into tLocalFilePath....
   put "HelloCloudUbiqOrLocal.txt" into tLocalFilePath
   --Check, check, double check
   answer tLocalFilePath
   --test and show that the file is local
   answer "File is local: " &  isLocal(tLocalFilePath)
   -- get its file url
   put getFileURL(tLocalFilepath) into tFileURL
   answer "Local file URL = " & tFileURL
   --make the file ubiquitous, 1= true, rest = false
   get setUbiquitousForFile(1,tLocalFilePath)
   answer "Set ubiquitous, done"
   --test to see if it is local or ubiquitous (really, the result
coming back from iCloud in setUbiquitous is less trustworthy)--test to
see if it is local
   answer "File is local: " &  isLocal(tLocalFilePath)
   --test to see if it is ubiquitous
   answer "File is ubquitous: " &  isUbiquitousDocument(tLocalFilePath)
   --get the file url, again (should be ubiquitous now...)
   put getFIleURL(tLocalFilepath) into tFileURL
   answer "Now... Ubiquitous file URL = " & tFileURL
   --get the modification date
   answer "modification data = " & getModificationDateForURL(tFileURL)
   --list the documents container contents
   answer getContentsOfUbiquityDocumentsFolder()
   --delete the ubiquitous document instance
   get setUbiquitousForFileInContainer(0,tLocalFilePath,tContainer)
   answer "Remove ubiquitous, done"
   --at this point the file is only local...
end mouseUp

Doe this wet your appetite(s)?



On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 2:31 PM, William de Smet <williamdesmet at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Maarten,
> I am very much interested in this Cloud external.
> Do you have any information and screenshots online already?
> groeten,
> William
> 2012/8/3 Maarten Koopmans <maarten.koopmans at gmail.com>:
>> Folks,
>> I have spent a lot of time on it over the last two months, but I
>> finally have an iOS iCloud external working. One of the things I've
>> learned is that iCloud works (by itself), but it is very easy to make
>> a mistake - hence the apps that behave so badly with iCloud.
>> Anyway, the external can:
>> - give back your app name, team prefix, bundle identifier
>> - put files in your app's container
>> - manipulate and query the apps container (evict files, force
>> download, modification dates, list files...)
>> - put files in a shared container across apps - so you have shared
>> data across iOS apps [ yes ... that's right!!!]
>> - manipulate and query the shared container
>> - put files in a container or shared container up for download for two
>> weeks [ yes, you read this correctly as well....]
>> I can do two things:
>> 1) continue with my main project as I will eventually
>> 2) spend even more time and put the external up for sale for $49
>> As this really has been a LOT of work I don't want to put something up
>> for sale if nobody is interested, so consider this a poll. Personally,
>> I find the shared storage across apps and public data publishing is
>> pretty awesome.
>> Let me know if you're interested - otherwise I'll simply enjoy my weekend ;-)
>> --Maarten
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