[ANN] penTool 0.3.2h [with scalable gradients]
Alejandro Tejada
capellan2000 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 18:35:18 EDT 2012
Hi Monte,
Monte Goulding wrote
> Your awesome Alejandro!
> Someone give you a proper biezer graphic please!
> Or at least a smoothing property on a polygon.
Many Thanks for your compliments!
Just remember that this BETA and there is no UNDO. ;-)
So always play safe!
About smoothing, you are talking about the jagged edge of
the graphics in the sample images:
Actually, I use a "resolution" of 32 points or segments for every
bezier segment. This number appeared in a MacTech article from
long time ago:
"One strategy for implementing Bezier curves is to divide the curve
into a fixed number of segments and then to pre-compute the values
of the weighting functions for each of the segments. The greater the
number of segments, the smoother the curve. (I’ve found that 16 works
well for display purposes, but 32 is better for hardcopy.)"
In this image, you could notice the notable difference between
using 32 segments to draw a bezier segment and using 256 segments
to draw the same bezier segments in a copy of the graphics.
It's easy to change this resolution in the script of the stack
only if you are ready to see a extra large dose of spaguetti code...
Here is how:
In the script of the stack "penTool 0.3.2.h"
change the line "put 32 into zdt" for "put 256 into zdt"
Compile the script and save the stack.
To redraw graphics imported or created at 32 segments por curve,
at this new 256 segments resolution, click on the graphic using
the White Arrow tool from the palette. Then to deselect the
clicked graphic, doubleclick anywhere, (except over other graphic)
This is the "Edit Selection Tool".
Hopefully, Ian McPhail will update his stack SVGL to import gradients
and transparency from SVG drawings. Only then, it will be possible
to design confortably complete interfaces using only vector graphics
with gradients and transparency.
Inkscape could export drawings as JavaFX and SilverLight XAML:
Maybe these two vector formats are easier to convert in
LiveCode vector graphics.
View this message in context: http://runtime-revolution.278305.n4.nabble.com/ANN-penTool-0-3-2h-with-scalable-gradients-tp4653241p4653253.html
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