[ANN] penTool 0.3.2h [with scalable gradients]
Mark Wieder
mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Wed Aug 1 16:35:50 EDT 2012
Alejandro Tejada <capellan2000 at ...> writes:
> (Anyone have Undo code to spare?)
Here's a framework for unlimited undos. It's set to archive the script of
objects, but is easily modifiable for other properties.
--> Undo support
local sUndoPointArray
* Undo.Retrieve
* Retrive an element from the sUndoPointArray
private function Undo.Retrieve pObject, pCount
local tData
put sUndoPointArray[pObject][pCount] into tData
if pCount = "count" then
return tData
return decompress(tData)
end if
end Undo.Retrieve
* Undo.Store
* Store an element into the sUndoPointArray
private command Undo.Store pObject, pCount, pValue
local tData
put compress(pValue) into tData
if pCount = "count" then
put pValue into sUndoPointArray[pObject][pCount]
put tData into sUndoPointArray[pObject][pCount]
end if
end Undo.Store
* UndoPointer
* Return the undo stack index
private function Undo.Pointer pObject
local tCount
put Undo.Retrieve(pObject, "count") into tCount
if tCount is empty then
put 0 into tCount
end if
return tCount
end Undo.Pointer
* Undo.SetPointer
* @pNewCount : index value for this type of undo action
private command Undo.SetPointer pObject, pNewCount
Undo.Store pObject, "count", pNewCount
end Undo.SetPointer
* Undo.Push
* Save the current script for undoing later on
command Undo.Push pObject
local tCount
put Undo.Pointer(pObject)+1 into tCount
Undo.Store pObject, tCount, the htmltext of field kCodeField of stack self
Undo.SetPointer pObject, tCount -- bump the index pointer
end Undo.Push
* Undo.Pop
* undo the last command
command Undo.Pop pObject
local tCount
local tObject
local tSavedUndo
local tSuccess
lock screen
-- retrieve the current pointer for this object
put Undo.Pointer(pObject) into tCount
if tCount > 0 then
-- retrieve the stored data
put Undo.Retrieve(pObject, tCount) into tSavedUndo
if tSavedUndo is not empty then
set the htmltext of field kCodeField of stack self to tSavedUndo
-- decrement the stack pointer
Undo.SetPointer pObject, tCount-1
put true into tSuccess
end if
end if
unlock screen
if not tSuccess then
answer "nothing to undo @" && tCount
end if
end Undo.Pop
Mark Wieder
mwieder at ahsoftware.net
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