On-rev and irev file problem?

John Patten johnpatten at mac.com
Fri Sep 30 14:12:07 EDT 2011

Hi All..

I duplicated a script that is working to send data to on-rev mysql database in another project. The new project keeps throwing up a server connection error.

I've tried to boil it down to the most basic components to trouble shoot, but I still get errors. I 'have looked for typos over and over but don't see anything.  Here is what I have in its most basic form:


put $_POST["mymessage"] into mymessage
set itemDel to tab

put item 1 of mymessage into tTargetPerson
put item 2 of mymessage into tTargetNorm
put itemDel into tCurrentItemDel
set the itemDel to "|"
put item 1 of tTargetNorm into tNorm_heading
put item 2 of tTargetNorm into tNorm_topic
set the itemDel to tab
put item 3 of mymessage into tEventDescription

put "localhost" into tDatabaseAddress
put "xxxxxx_norms" into tDatabaseName
put "xxxxxx_normuser" into tDatabaseuser
put "xxxxxxx" into tDatabasePassword

put tDatabaseAddress & " " &  tDatabaseName & " " & tDatabaseuser & " " & tDatabasePassword into tResult
--put revOpenDatabase("mysql", tDatabaseAddress, tDatabaseName, tDatabaseuser, tDatabasePassword) into tResult
--if tResult is not a number then
--put "Error: could not connect to database " & tResult
--put "target_person, norm_heading, norm_topic, description" into tFields
--put "INSERT INTO norms " & "(" & tFields & ") & VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4)" into tSQL
answer tResult
--revExecuteSQL tResult, tSQL, "tTargetPerson", "tNorm_heading", "tNorm_topic", "tEventDescription"

I'm at the point now I'm just trying to see what the connection contents is in tResult, and it still throws up the server error???

Any advice?

Thank you!

John Patten

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