How are folks handling iOS resolution differences?

Maarten Koopmans maarten.koopmans at
Tue Sep 27 05:41:55 EDT 2011

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 3:41 AM, Chipp Walters <chipp at> wrote:
> I can think of a couple ways to manage developing for iPhone 3 vs 4, but am
> wondering how others are handling it?
> I suppose on startup one could auto-size and set the properties of all
> labels, fonts, images, grcs based upon the screen size.

I wouldn't do that...

> Or.
> Have two different stacks, one for iPhone 3, the other for iPhone 4, and
> move all control scripts to libraries.


> Are there other approaches? Does it make sense for a custom control set that
> just 'knows' how to resize based on stack size? I'd appreciate any one
> else's ideas on the subject. Thanks :-)

If you can get by with MobGui I think it autoscales on Retina devices,
but haven't tried that. Easy enough though - create a 320x480 stack
and run. Otherwise, two different stacks. Might as well add an iPad
stack and you have a universal binary for iOS.


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