Realbasic on the web without plugins

Keith Clarke keith.clarke at
Thu Sep 22 10:14:04 EDT 2011

...the issue is that there is currently no LiveCode web deployment module - there's only the proprietary, thick-client, LiveCode Player browser plugin, with its specific OS and browser dependencies. 

Hopefully, the RunRev team won't replace their Player with alternative proprietary thick-client technologies (such as Air or Flex). This would seem a retrograde step, especially when these competitor's technologies also face the challenge of supporting non-desktop web client devices, with smarter browsers, richer standards-based technologies to hand and pressure on plugins.

This seems to be shaping-up like most technology trends over the last few decades - the early days of proprietary technology innovation (and lock-in) eventually get supplanted by the chasing pack that gang-up and force market consolidation onto more open standards. In this case the 'VHS' seems to be HTML5/CSS/Javascript. Those who don't adopt or adapt, will retrench back into niches markets or fall by the wayside.

So, it will be interesting to see what the RunRev team have to say on this matter when they eventually break the silence on their web deployment plans. They have been very quiet in this area, though LiveCode Server did slip out into general release under the covering fire of all the iOS and Android 'there's gold in them there hills' announcements. Who knows, LiveCode server might just prove to be a vital component in the web deployment strategy.

The one certainty is that the LiveCode Player is now showing its age and is in urgent need of overhaul or replacement. It would be surprising (and somewhat disappointing) if there isn't something better being cooked-up.

On 22 Sep 2011, at 14:04, Admin wrote:

> If only the web deployment module could output to either Ajax, Air,
> Flex or HTML5 this would no longer be an issue. 
> Mike 

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