Realbasic on the web without plugins

Pierre Sahores sc at
Thu Sep 22 06:18:47 EDT 2011


Le 22 sept. 2011 à 09:56, Keith Clarke a écrit :

> Obviously, any technical architect reading the above will realise that I've no idea what I'm talking about ;-) 

The only constraint to get in mind to achieve your proposal in a clean and rock-solid way is that the "stack's to html+dom+js+css" translated component will by definition become a multi-users application and this is what makes this project a little more complex - but full doable ! - task than just having simple stack's cards converted to html+dom+js+css widgets.
> However, this it seems less than impossible - and with a modular KISS approach, some aspects seem relatively easy (at least to state the requirements!) 
> But even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on this, developers who must deploy standards-based rich apps into cloud and locked-down Enterprise environments will be forced elsewhere, which would be a shame.

Again, this project is suitable in using LC to build the needed framework but this will need some time and invests to achieve the project in the needed professional-grade way.

> Best,
> Keith..     

Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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