Can LiveCode be used as an intermediary for two scripts?

Mike Felker admin at
Sat Sep 17 19:53:33 EDT 2011

Thank you for your response. The data is ridiculously small. Just name and personal info and purchase data (monetary only - no cc info). 


Sent from my iPad

On Sep 17, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Michael Kann <mikekann at> wrote:

> Mike, using LiveCode you can complete this project faster than small town gossip.
> From your LiveCode script call up php_export_script to extract the data you need. Write the data to a text file and format it the way php_input_script likes it. 
> For the middle database you can modify the php_input_script to save a copy of the data in your middle database before sending it on to the "official" database.
> How big are the chunks of data being moved around and how often do they need to be updated?
> Mike
> Hello all. 
> Before I use LiveCode for this project, I am curious
> if LiveCode can do it. 
> I have two php scripts utilizing MySQL. One is
> feature poor and can ONLY export data as a CSV (no other customization
> is possible) and the other is feature rich and allows for php POST and
> GET and also allows custom tables and fields to be created. 
> I need to
> create a program where I intercept the data export of one and send
> specific field data to the other. 
> It has to run in the background and
> work invisibly with no actual input. 
> Can LiveCode be used to create
> such an intermediary program? If not, what would I be better off using?
> PHP? Python or Lua? Javascript? 
> As another hurdle, I think the client
> wants me to create a middle database to hold the data that passes
> through for governmental reasons. I need this to be in one program -
> Step 1 would be to intercept the incoming exported mysql data (in CSV
> format) and place specific fields into the middle database and then
> route it to the other script and database. 
> Thanks for your help.
> Mike 
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