how to add a file type and creator code to a binary file under mac os x

Klaus on-rev klaus at
Sat Sep 17 08:17:22 EDT 2011

Hi Matthias,

Am 17.09.2011 um 14:08 schrieb Matthias Rebbe:

> Hi,
> i am creating a binary file (audio) with extension .mp4  with LiveCode. GetFileInfo (from the Xcode SDK) shows the file type  "TEXT" and the creator code "ttxt".
> Is there a way to addjust/modify this? Does anyone have a clue?

well, check "filetype" in the dictionary! :-D
You can set this right before you write the data to disk, Mac-only of course.

You can also explicitly "set the filetype to empty" to force the OS to use the file SUFFIX
to determine the correct "file tpye" and its associated application(s)!

> Regards,
> Matthias



Klaus Major
klaus at

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