[OT] Viagra from Livecode?

Jerry Jensen jhj at jhj.com
Tue Sep 13 19:21:22 EDT 2011

On Sep 13, 2011, at 3:21 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> Also, if the email appeared to be coming from Richmond, there is a pretty good chance it didn't. Most spammers are smarter than that these days. Only way to tell is to look at the headers (if possible). What worries me is that Jacque also got emails from off list, suggesting common data access. It may be coincidence, it may not. When in doubt, assume enemy action. 

The headers for the spam message indicate it was sent from Yahoo by somebody (or something) using Richmond's account credentials. They look nothing like headers of real mail from Richmond that start out in Bulgaria. I have seen at least a half-dozen cases where simply changing the password stopped the problem. All of those linked to a page with the same picture of the blond doctor (?) on the top. All I can say is that changing your password is a good place to start. Not having an address book at your ISP is another good move.

If some sleaze was going to guess credentials, yahoo and aol are attractive targets because they have a lot of forgotten or abandoned accounts, or accounts whose users forgot how to change their passwords. An unintended consequence of being free as in beer.

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