
Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Tue Sep 6 12:03:06 EDT 2011

Hi Joe,

I am having the same problem with revPropertyPalette. I don't expect it to get fixed. In any case, don't save it :-) I don't think that saving it makes sense, if it doesn't make things worse.

If you can't ungroup a group, that group probably contains nested groups. Select the group and choose Edit Group from the Object menu. Now you should be able to select the nested groups and ungroup those. Stop editing the group and ungroup the group you were editing. This time it should work.

LiveCode is only one of many programming tools I use, but I think there are quite a few people who only use LiveCode, perhaps together with either SuperCard or RealBasic. Quite a few others probably use LiveCode combined with some web programming tools and a few graphing tools.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Send me a friend request on Facebook if you like

On 6 sep 2011, at 17:40, LunchnMeets at wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been having this problem for a long time, but I've just been living 
> with it. Almost every time I open the inspector it asks me to save the 
> revPropertyPalette. I've been doing that but it keeps coming back. What am I doing 
> wrong?
> Another problem I've been having is I can't seem to ungroup some groups. I 
> tried all sorts of ways of doing that but haven't been successful.
> Just out of curiosity, am I the only member of this list who only programs 
> in LiveCode? I don't know any other programming language unless you count 
> HyperCard, which I doubt I could still work in. :)
> Your help is much appreciated.
> Joe in Orlando.

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