Saving the name of option button in a Save File

Charles Szasz cszasz at
Thu Sep 1 20:53:47 EDT 2011

I am using the following script to save fields, checkbox and option buttons. Saving the content of fields works but I have been unsuccessful in saving the names of the option buttons, which are school names.

FUNCTION gatherData pCard
   lock screen
   lock messages
   push card
   go to card pCard
   put empty into tData
   REPEAT WITH f = 1 to the number of fields
      put field f into fData
      replace ":" WITH "!" in fData
      put the short name of field f & ":" & fData & cr after tData
      --   END IF
   END repeat
   REPEAT WITH b = 1 to the number of buttons
      IF the style of button b = "checkbox" OR the style of button b = "option" 
         put the short name of button b & ":" & the hilite of button b & cr after tData
      END IF
   END repeat
   pop card
   return tData
END gatherData

Charles Szasz
cszasz at

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