a shake and a wiggle

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Mon Oct 31 06:37:49 EDT 2011

Hi Nicolas,

Yes, send a message in time will allow an object to delete itself.

// stack script:
on deleteObject theObject
  delete theObject
end deleteObject

// object script:
on deleteMe
  put the long of me into myObject
  send "delete myObject" to this stack in 0 millisecs
end deleteMe

I think you can use some of the touchMove messages or whatever they're called to find out whether the user is wiggling/shaking an object. Check the release notes.

Usually, I can delete an object by pressing it for a full second and pressing the little red delete button that appears on top of it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 31 okt 2011, at 11:31, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

> Hello again.
> If an object is grabbed, what parameters could a script/behavior
> within that object poll to evaluate if the user is quickly
> shaking/wiggling that grabbed object? I'd like to use that shaking
> motion to delete the grabbed object -- which, come to think of it now,
> begs the question of whether an object can delete itself... perhaps a
> send message?
> Thanks.
> --
> Nicolas Cueto

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