Another examples of the screen refresh problem on the Mac?

James Hurley jhurley0305 at
Mon Oct 10 19:44:03 EDT 2011


Here is what I get on the lockMove messages. (I'm on the email digest so I have trouble copying your message.)

on mouseUp
   put 200 into x
   put 200 into y
   put 2 into dx
   put 1 into dy
   repeat 100 times
      put x,y & cr after tPoints
      add dx to x
   end repeat
   put 200 into x
   put 200 into y
   repeat 200 
      put x,y & cr after tNewPoints
      add dy to y
   end repeat
   put "Before lock " & the lockmoves & cr  into tMessage
   lock moves
     put "After lock " & the lockmoves & cr  after tMessage
     move button "one" to tNewPoints without waiting
     put "After first move " & the lockmoves & cr  after tMessage
     move button "two" to tPoints without waiting
     put "After second move  " & the lockmoves & cr  after tMessage
     unlock moves
     put "After unlock " & the lockmoves & cr  after tMessage
     put tMessage into msg box
end mouseUp

And the message in the message box is: 

Before lock false
After lock true
After first move true
After second move  true
After unlock false

So all of that seems OK.


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